My twins are now 4, I often find myself taking pictures to document the things we do. I am amazed at the activities we have done ever since they have started to discover what their hands are able to do.
Pouring activities which teaches concentration. Place items on a tray so you won't mind the spills. |
Rainbow painting activities with milk, dishwashing detergent, some food coloring, and chopsticks |
Handpainting, cutting and taping, puzzles, painting, tracing and beading activities which are relevantly common in our little homeschool. The materials are readily available for them to grab from our shelf. |
We do letter matching (using letter puzzles), clay, coloring and pattern blocks just so often! |
This is one important random activity we do even after dinner. It is just making use of any toy with the alphabets and a letter flash card. |
One of their favorite and which improved their motor-skills is beading. |
This was taken at 9PM where my girls just grabbed this lacing activity from our shelf which was just collecting dust since they were 1.5. |
A letter punching activity using a paper with a letter to punch (I traced the letter of the week on it) then clipped on a mouse pad which they will punch either with a small screwdriver (precision screwdriver), or a pen would also work. |
For art, we did these pipecleaners and googly eyes puppets. |
Cutting - my twins have mastered this at age 2.5. I allow them to use scissors at 1.5 but with my supervision. At 3.5, they can handle even sharper school scissors without my help. |
We learn letters through Handwriting without Tears and on the iPad. |
Some of our other activities:
Letter tracing with clay! |
Letter tracing with sticks! |
Doing Kumon tracing. |
She can do 3 pages a day of Kumon tracing. |
Kumon is one of our weekly thing. |
Actual writing activity by my 3.5 year old. |
Hooked on Phonics flash cards! |
Boggle Jr.! |
Trinkets to make a letter! |
There are times that they don't feel like doing anything. So, we would take a snack break or completely stop school if they are not into it for the day or days or even weeks! I am not in a hurry anyway. |
Wet-Dry-Try on the iPad and the real thing using Handwriting Without Tears. |
During our letter B day! |
These are some of our math, art and other sensorial activities.
We do a lot of read-alouds. But, for younger kids, I usually allow them to do building activities as I read to them. |
Lego will always be part of their lives. |
Telephone! |
Manila paper indoor play. Simple drawings of star, sad face and happy faces and some coins to throw. Even my 8 year old had fun with this activity. |
Thee did clay especially during the Bible story "The Creation". The one on the right is Eve! :D |
We made snakes out of construction paper during our Bible story. |
Lining up sticks is a favorite activity. |
Color matching activity |
They love Mighty Mind. This is one of their favorite things to do when they wake up. Callie here went to her room and played with it. |
Still on Mighty Mind |
They leave me with this after a painting session. |
Melissa and Doug painting is less messy! |
Sometimes, I see them doing this with the Mighty Mind can! They keep on saying "I am a robot, mom!" |
To teach proper table manners, we do a tea party! |
A giant craft paper makes a good tool to learn parts of the body! |
Many times, my girls play dress-up. They would pretend to be going into a snowy place or even travelling to the moon! |
Most importantly, I let them experience being a kid who ca appreciate nature! They are able to catch fireflies, touch a butterfly, play with snails, be messy and just enjoy being a kid. |
These may be a lot, but we don't really have a structure. I just follow their cue and see what they like to do. We sing songs a lot and read books a WHOLE lot! We memorize our memory verse each day and read the Bible too.
Manners and values are more important for them now. It is what they will need a whole lot besides knowing how to read, count and write. Part of their life is knowing that they are loved and that they are safe with us.
We are on Instagram and most of our activities are there too!