Thursday, September 22, 2011

Career and motherhood

I have decided to work at home prior to delivering the twins.  It has been more than 21 months from now that I am a full-pledged WAHM (work-at-home-mama) and I had no regrets whatsoever in not being in an 8 hour / 5 days a week job that I used to love.  I already knew that I wanted to be with the kids especially the twins and I feel blessed that God never lacked any good thing for me and my family.

I would be lying to say that I don't get burned out many times. Of course - I do! whew! When you see the house with all the mess your toddlers make.  Then, trying to catch one child as she almost jumps off the bed, then all of a sudden you hear a "thud" followed by a bellowing cry because the other twin stubbed her toe so hard it began to bleed. Then here comes your 6 year old asking infinite questions about what happened with his toys and why I let her sisters destroy it while he was just taking a bath... then with all these contraptions, a phone call from your client gets in asking you to rush his project and he needs it today for his meeting - pronto!

I am not even including some minor issues about house bills when client has not paid yet, maids who are quite hard-headed and seem to care only with their own world that I have to actually sit down with them, cry with them and tell them not to be bothered with their boyfriends.  Did I also mention that the issue of what to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner is also a daily chore that add up to the minor issues of managing a home. Yes - these things are just minor issues but they are manageable.  I thank God for being a multi-tasker!

These days come by almost everyday... but I am not complaining. I have decided to be a work-at-home-mom and even with all these daily crazy things... I get to experience life's most wonderful things.

To see my kids wake up each morning, to cuddle them a little more almost everyday, to make them fall asleep in your arms in their afternoon nap more than 2x a week, to prepare a healthy snack for my preschooler (like chocolate chips + cherries on top) with his favorite yoghurt drink almost everyday. To go to the mall even on an early Monday morning, or simply to read a book to them at 11:00am and another before bedtime, to dance with them, to let them write washable pens on their skin, to pray together with them.

I don't do this everyday especially when there is a huge project on my plate, but then... all I see is that this decision to be where I am right now is perfect.  When I jumped into this, I thought how on earth will me and my husband ever support 3 children if I am just relying on something unsure.  Looking back (and calculating everything back) I realized, everything was provided for.  It was even much more that what I had before.

Being a mother to my children is who I am now.  This is my season to be a mother in this time.  But, it also doesn't mean that being a work-at-home-mom (or even a full-time mom!) means less or no money at all. I believe, there's more riches in this - the time I put in is an investment that yields tremendous patience, self-control, endurance, love, faith and life-long learning and wisdom that you will never get anywhere else.

Besides, after being too burned out for the day...  I still have the time to do biking, retail therapy, blogging, and a time to relax in His presence!


  1. i can totally relate.
    thanks for sharing!

  2. Motherhood is really a challenge and rewarding all at the same time. :)
