Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why I love books...

Big brother reading Eric Carle's - Papa, please get the moon for me.

Nothing excites me more as a mom to see my 21 month old twin girls tell me "Mom, read book".

One very early Saturday morning, while husband and I were still deep in sleep.  We were suddenly awakened when we didn't find Callie beside us.  Husband almost hysterically said, "Where's Callie?!!" and little did we know, we just found her reading a book on the floor all by herself.

I always keep a set of books in many places in our rooms, living room and their playroom.  We love books and we also love story telling time.

I guess, my love for books only started when I graduated from college.  Before then, books were enemies.  Books = studying, Studying = school and school = boring.  When Ice was born, I wanted to change that and fill my home with carefully chosen, age-appropriate, exciting (not boring!) books!  So it was, at 2... Ice would grab a book and try reading the books. A lot of times, we would actually spend time in a bookstore and just sit down by the floor grab a book and read some stories.  I would become so animated in retelling the story book that even other kids would want to sit down with us.

I love it too when I would hear other co-moms who love books their family read so I would exchange info about books they love so I could buy them for my kids.

Out of the 100s of books we have (and growing), these are our latest favorite!
Zero -By Karen Otoshi, Eric Carle's, Flip Books, Dr. Seuss, Peter Rabbit, Uncle Wiggily's, Picture Bible, Kindermusik's Oh what Busy Days, Beauty and the Beast (Twin's love them now).

When Ice was still a few days old, I literally bombarded him with books (and his endless love for Hotwheels or Tomica cars).  On my lap, we would read.  Although, early exposure with books is not a guarantee for early reading... Ice had trouble reading (read my previous posts) but his critical thinking, imaginative stories, rich vocabulary and comprehension even for chapter books are astounding.

The love for learning is what I want to instill with my children.  The internet has made remarkable ways to actually find information, but great books and stories make children think, imagine and love learning.

Since they are so used to books, at 12 months they don't rip our books but read them.  I have a few board books but regular paper thin books are very well handled even when they were still infants.  Since they see me and husband read, they would also want to imitate and read by themselves which we encourage.

To conclude, I would say that nothing beats the feeling of seeing your 1 year old, running unsteadily with a book on her hand, push her way to your lap and ask you to read it to her.  It changes everything. That you would just stop whatever you are doing and just succumb to her need to learn from you.

Being inside a basket doesn't stop her from reading Berenstein Bears' A Book.
Here are some random snapshots of days that I would just find my kids reading and it just gives me more thought in building their love for learning.
This is 6-year old book I bought in a second hand shop (Book Sale) for P70 only (Dr.Suess - Are you my mother?).  It was Ice's favorite and now the twins'.  We would read it everyday that I would get sick of reading it. :P
Their breakfast - Space book and Dr. Seuss Go, Dog Go!

Caught reading again - Usborne's What's Under the Sea
I don't care less if they make a mess with books. Dashie reading Dr. Seuss "Are you my mother?" and Callista  with Golden Books

Oh how I wish I could buy a really fast compact camera to shoot these moments. :) 

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